Activities for Schools

Physical activity benefits us all, for children and young people it provides benefits such as stronger muscles and bones, and teaches them the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to build healthy lifestyle choices.

As well as improving levels of health and well-being, studies have shown that physical activity has a positive impact on their academic achievements, problem solving, memory retention, behaviour, concentration and self-belief.

Regular exercise and fitness also promotes good sleep patterns, ensuring they’re able to handle physical and emotional challenges better.

Red Eagle Martial Arts offers various Activities for Schools sessions, tailored to suit your school. These can be a term time After School Club, or a dedicated course for a specific number of physical education classes. Special or dedicated areas are not required, our sessions can be held in a class room or main hall, outside in the playground, field or similar. Proving a cost effective way of designing a unique day for your pupils’ health wellbeing and enjoyment.

Bonsai Chi

Bonsai Chi sessions refresh and calm the mind and body. Low-impact, whole body exercise done to relaxing music encourage young people to relax their mind and enjoy moving meditation. Concentrating on your breathing encourages you to be aware of yourself and your surroundings, learning how to control your emotions and responses. These sessions are low-impact so you do not get all hot and sweaty, you can literally do this standing on the spot.

The movements can be done standing or sitting on a chair, it involves performing a variety of drills and kata. Once learnt, the moves can be practised whenever you want, allowing you to create a few moments of relaxation, enjoying mindful exercise.

These sessions will improve your balance, posture, hand-eye co-ordination and much more.

Calm • Breathe • Health

Karate Fitness

Karate fitness sessions are more vigorous, they’ll increase your heart rate whilst you enjoy an energetic workout involving karate techniques and drills, mixed in with press ups, sit ups, squats, all designed to get your body moving and heart pumping. You’ll definitely sweat during this session! It’s designed to encourage you to challenge your limits, pushing through barriers, teaching you about perseverance and tenacity, pushing your limits to perform that one extra push up that you thought you couldn’t do.

These workouts will involve various karate techniques and padwork. Working with a partner teaches you about respect, co-operation and confidence. The workouts are designed to get your whole body working, improving hand-eye co-ordination and core strength.

Active • Fun • Workout

Self-protection Courses

Personal safety affects all areas of our life, from home, work and outdoors, physical and verbal confrontations or situations. Our Self-Protection courses include discussions around what self-protection is, what steps we can take to improve our safety, from planning our journey to managing our online presence. We also cover de-escalation skills, how to manage a situation with physical and verbal skills.

It also covers practical drills, learning about how the body works and how to use it effectively without having to be a black belt in martial arts.

Self-care • Confidence • Awareness

Please contact Nikki on 07866 571345 or to find out more and create a unique activity day for your students.

© Red Eagle Martial Arts 2025.
Supported by Pink Sky, powered by Hive